Rex includes a suite of more than 40 operational reports covering a cross-section of financials, performance, administrative, and visual reports on every part of Rex and every part of your agency’s business. Each report has been developed based on extensive consultation on what agencies, admin staff, and sales managers require on a daily basis.
Listing and listing upload reports for stock control
Rex’s listing and upload reports can be grouped into the following categories:
- Listing status reports – covering listings archived, draft listings, days on market, upcoming authority expiry
- Listing transactions – new listings, listings sold and leased, listings withdrawn, listings expired
- Portal issues – a portal inventory report and a report to identify any published listings with errors
- Operational reports – listings with un-invoiced VPA, overpay balances, listing key registry
Contract management reports to manage settlement workflows
Contract status and condition reports fall into the following categories:
- Contract status – reports for unconditional, released and fallen contracts
- Contract conditions – including conditions pending and conditions satisfied
- Contract periods reports – reports for tracking contracts created, accepted, unconditional, released, falling and pending settlement
VPA bookings reports to simplify your VPA booking workflow
The VPA management/financial section in the listings module includes the ability to set due dates for VPA items and to track booking status. To assist admin staff in managing bookings, Rex includes two reports (VPA due to be booked and completed bookings) that can be grouped by advertising medium or provider to complete VPA bookings in bulk.
General sales KPI reporting
Rex includes detailed reporting on agent level key performance indicators. This reporting helps to track and manage cross-agency and individual agent performance against key metrics like activity rates on follow-ups (calls, emails, SMS, etc), appraisal win/loss ratios, sold/expired listings and engagement with property sellers.
As well as providing detailed information, the reports provide charts with visual cues that help managers work with agents to make improvements in their performance.
High level and cross period sales KPI reports
These two reports provide managers and principals with an extremely useful set of indicators, tracking performance across a period and comparing back up to 11 equivalent periods.
For example: comparing performance in the month of December to the previous 11 calendar months as well as the December month of the previous year; comparing quarterly performance to the equivalent quarter of the previous year (e.g. Q3/15 compared to Q3/14).
This report collects commission, inventory, listing, unconditional settlement and fallen sales data and breaks it down to averages and individualised performance.
These reports are an invaluable tool in tuning and managing performance improvement in any style of agency.
Awards and stat reports
Rex tracks and provides ranked reports on the following criteria:
- Gross commission (pre-expenses) brought into an office by an agent or an office location
- Commission earned by agent
- Number of sales/whole listings sold by agent or an office location
- New listings generated by an agent or office location
Award reports can be run over any period (e.g. one month or one quarter) and provides a comparison to track performance against previous equivalent periods.
Commission reports give managers total transparency
Reporting can be drilled down to an agent or property and quickly compare performance across periods. This level of transparency lets managers quickly identify areas for improvement.
To ensure the most accurate reporting and rapid commission entry, Rex includes tools to manage commission structures and default agency/agent deductions. This makes it simple to calculate commissions at sale time, simplifying forecasting and payouts.
Rex LMS Training Video
Help content for specific reports:
- Printing a Stocklist Booklet
- Exporting reports as CSV files
- Generating a key list
- Vendor Reporting
- Newsletter Reporting
- Performing a Label Merge
- High Level Sales KPI
- High Level Sales KPT (Cross Period)
Breakdown of Reports
Report Name | Location | Output Format | Preview Available? | Summary | Target Audience |
KPI's | Activity Reports | PDF / HTML | Yes | Key performance indicators for agents - appraisals, listings, activity | Principal, Agent |
High Level Sales Kpi | Activity Reports | CSV | No | A high level analysis of monthly activity around listing volume, average sales and commissions | Principal |
Cross Period Sales KPI | Activity Reports | CSV | No | Similar to the High Level sales KPI report but more ideal for comparing stats from multiple periods | Principal |
Stat ($ Gross Comm) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Gross commission (pre expenses) taken from commission worksheets broken down by agent or office location | Principal |
Stat ($ Comm Earned by Agent) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Commission earned by agents (taken from commission worksheets) | Principal |
Stat ($ VPA Received) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Dollars received for VPA invoices broken down by primary listing agent | Principal, Admin |
Stat (# of Appraisals) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Number of appraisals performed, won or lost in a select period | Principal |
Stat (# of New Listings) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | New listings broken down by agent or office location | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Stat (# of Sales by Award) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Count of sales / listings (taken from commission worksheets) and broken down by agent or office location. A 100% award of commission on a sale is worth 1 sale. | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Stat (# of Sales by Participation | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Count of sales / listings (taken from commission worksheets) and broken down by agent or office location. Note: 1 sale will be distributed evenly between all agents despite award allocation. | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Marketing Credits (Summary) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Marketing credits used in period broken down by agent and usage category | Principal |
Marketing Credits (Detailed) | Activity Reports | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Detailed marketing credit usage logs (sms/newsletters etc.) | Principal |
Due to be Booked | Advertising / VPA | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Advertising items due to be booked in a specific period | Admin |
Completed Bookings | Advertising / VPA | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Advertising items booked in a specific period | Admin |
Created In Period | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Report on all new offers created in the period, regardless of status. | Principal, Admin |
Accepted in Period | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Report on all accepted offers in the specified period. Fallen contracts are excluded. | Principal, Admin |
Unconditional in Period | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Report on accepted active offers that have gone unconditional in the period. Fallen contracts are excluded. | Principal, Admin |
Released in Period | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Report on all contracts that have settled / released in the period. Fallen contracts are excluded. | Principal, Admin |
Fallen in Period | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Report on all offers that have fallen in the period | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Pending Settlement | Contract Statuses | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Show all accepted offers that are pending settlement. As soon as an offer has been marked as settled (verification not required) it will not be available on this report. | Admin |
Pending Conditions | Contract Conditions | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | A report showing contract conditions for active contracts that have not been completed and are due within a period. Optionally group and filter by agents and locations. | Principal, Admin |
Completed Conditions | Contract Conditions | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | A report showing contract conditions marked completed within a period. Optionally group and filter by agents and locations. | Principal, Admin |
Unconditional | Contract Verifications | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Contracts verified as unconditional in the selected period | Admin |
Released | Contract Verifications | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Contracts verified as settled / released in the selected period | Admin |
Fallen | Contract Verifications | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Contracts verified as fallen in the selected period | Principal, Admin |
Commissions by Agent | Commissions | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Commissions broken down by agent based on verified unconditional or verified release date | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Commissions by Sale | Commissions | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Commissions broken down by sale based on verified unconditional or verified release date | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Commissions Cash Flow | Commissions | CSV | No | A commission by sales report that allows you to forecast distributable conditional / unconditional commissions. Also includes details about trust balance, owner, purchaser etc. | Principal |
Invoice Transactions | Invoices / Income | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Invoices Transactions Made Within the Period | Admin |
Issued in Period | Invoices / Income | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Invoices Issued in the selected period | Admin |
Due in Period | Invoices / Income | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Invoices Due in the selected period | Admin |
Unpaid and Past Due | Invoices / Income | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | All Unpaid Invoices that are Past their Due Date | Admin |
Unpaid | Invoices / Income | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | All Unpaid Invoices | Admin |
Archived in Period | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Listings converted to withdrawn / sold or leased in a specified period. | Principal |
Current Draft Listings | Listings & Uploads | PDF / HTML | Yes | Current Draft Listings awaiting publication | Admin |
Current Listings (DOM) | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Days on market, days to expiry and authority details for all current listings. | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Key Registry Activity |
Listings & Uploads | PDF / HTML / CSV | Yes | Detailed history of all keys for current listings, including when they have been checked out and returned and by whom. | Agent, Admin |
Key Locations |
Listings & Uploads | PDF / HTML / CSV | Yes |
Current location of keys for all current listings.
Agent, Admin |
Default Portal Ids | Listings & Uploads | PDF / HTML | Yes | The ids that will be sent to portals by default for listings unless they are changed | Admin |
Expired Listings | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML / csv | Yes | Current listings that have already expired as at today's date. | Principal, Agent, Admin |
Expiring Listings | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Current listings due to expire in a given period based on authority and expiry date. | Agent, Admin |
Listings with Uninvoiced VPA | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Listings with uninvoiced VPA line items. For invoiced items that have not been paid, see the Invoices / Income report section. | Admin |
Listings w/ Overpay Balances | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | All listings that currently have an overpayment balance. Please note, this report is only useful if you rely on the advanced 'overpayment' balance functionality. | Admin |
Published Listings with Errors | Listings & Uploads | PDF / HTML | Yes | Current listings that have been published but have some kind of error preventing portal uploads. | Admin |
New Listings | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Listings created or published in the period provided. | Admin |
Sold / Leased in Period | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Details about listings that have been sold / leased (or converted to sold/leased) in the specified period. | Principal, Admin |
Withdrawn in Period | Listings & Uploads | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Details about listings and their withdrawal reasons in the specified period. | Principal, Admin |
Public List | Listing Stock Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Public 'Rex Classic' Stock List. A report on all of the published listings in Rex. View can be changed to have between 2-6 listings per page. | Agent, Admin |
Full Advert | Listing Stock Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Public 'Rex Classic' Stock List with Full Advert. A report on all the published listings in Rex, showing the full advertising text on a listing. | Agent, Admin |
Public List (compact) | Listing Stock Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Public Strip Stock List with Small Image. A report on all the published listing in Rex, showing as a small 'strip' section for each listing. | Agent, Admin |
Internal List | Listing Stock Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Internal 'Rex Classic' Stock List. The Internal report will show additional information that is generally only for internal viewing. (Vendor Details, Notes, etc) | Agent, Admin |
Internal List (compact) | Listing Stock Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Internal Strip Stock List with Small Image. Same as above, but in the 'strip' design. | Agent, Admin |
Event List | OFI Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Open Home and Auction List with Photo | Agent, Admin |
Event List (compact) | OFI Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Open Home and Auction List without Photo | Agent, Admin |
Grouped Event Table | OFI Lists | PDF / HTML | Yes | Open Home and Auction Table, without Photo | Agent, Admin |
Cashbook Payments | Trust General | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Cashbook Payments for a Date Range | Admin |
Cashbook Receipts | Trust General | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Cashbook Receipts for a Date Range | Admin |
Manual Journal Entries | Trust General | PDF/ HTML | Yes | Manual Journal Entries within a date range | Admin |
Deposits in Transit | Trust General | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Deposits In Transit (as at current date) | Admin |
Unpresented Cheques | Trust General | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Unpresented Cheques (as at current date) | Admin |
Trial Balances | Trust General | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Trial Balances for all Active Ledgers in the date range | Admin |
Full Ledger Summaries | Trust General | PDF / HTML | Yes | Full Ledger Summaries for all Active Ledgers in the Date Range | Admin |
Funds Requests (Due In Period) | Trust General | PDF / HTML | Yes | Funds Requests summary for all trust ledgers due in the Date Range | Admin |
Funds Requests (Issued In Period) | Trust General | PDF / HTML | Yes | Funds Requests summary for all trust ledgers issued in the Date Range | Admin |
Full Statement | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF / HTML | Yes | A Full Trust Account Reconciliation Statement | Admin |
Statement Summary | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF / HTML | Yes | Reconciliation Summary | Admin |
Cashbook Payments | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Cashbook Payments for the specified reconciliation | Admin |
Cashbook Receipts | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Cashbook Receipts for the specified reconciliation | Admin |
Deposits in Transit | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Deposits In Transit at the time of the specified reconciliation | Admin |
Unpresented Cheques | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Unpresented Cheques at the time of the specified reconciliation | Admin |
Trial Balances | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF/ HTML/ CSV | Yes | Trial Balances for all Active Ledgers at the time of the specified reconciliation | Admin |
Full Ledger Summaries | Trust Reconcilliations | PDF / HTML | Yes | Full Ledger Summaries for all Active Ledgers at the time of the specified reconciliation | Admin |