Once you've sent your Newsletter, you'll want to report on the campaign.
- Go to Admin > Newsletters
- Click the sent newsletter you want to report on
You'll be presented with the Newsletter reporting screen. It's split into four sections:
- Navigation
- Delivery data
- Open/Click Graph
- Open and Clicks Report
At the top, you have the Navigation section. Here you can:
- Go back to the menu
- Duplicate the Newsletter
- Move To the Next/Previous Newsletter
- Change the view from the Overview to Subscriber Activity or Newsletter
Delivery data
Next we have the Delivery data. This shows you how many contacts it was sent to and what happened after it was sent.
This includes info like, how many opened the newsletter, clicked on items in the newsletter, Bounces and un-subscribes, etc.
Open/Click Graph
This graph shows you the Opens and Clicks since you sent the campaign.
Open and Click Report
This section shows us what link has been clicked on the most and what contacts have open the email the most.
If you click on View All you'll be able to view more info and lists of contacts that opened specific links.
Newsletter Reporting Specifics
The only way we can track email opens in the newsletters is by the following methods:
- When you send the newsletter, we include a tiny image in the message
- When the user opens the email, their email application loads the image, and we count that as an open of the email
- Every time they open the message, the image is loaded, and we count another open
This may sometimes leads to some incorrect newsletter reporting if:
- The person forwards the email to someone else - we're then seeing two people load the images each time they open the email
- Their email service provider or security software could be loading the images to check for viruses - that could be included as a open
- If they open the email - go for break and the computer falls asleep - then when they come back and start up the computer, the image get's loaded again
It may not be perfect, but it is the only way we can determine an open of an email.
The report is more of a guide so you can see who is checking out the email a few times - if they're looking more than twice, you should be giving them a call to see if they're interested.
Helpful Hint: I probably wouldn't mention to your buyers that you can see how many times they've opened the email - people can tend to get a little freaked out by that!