This report provides a high level analysis of monthly activity around listing volume, average sales and commissions.
To generate the report follow the below steps:
- Go to Reporting > Reporting Centre > Activity Reports on the left hand side panel
- Click High Level Sales KPI
- Select a Date Range and if you like to Include only Verified Contract Data
- Click Generate Spreadsheet
- Click Download Report or Email Report
Notes on time span
The report is run over a specific time span broken into months. In order for the report to run accurately, please select a valid start and end date (e.g. 1 January to 28 February).
General Notes
- All stats in this report relate to sales/commission data - therefore listing stats (new/available) relate specifically to sale/commercial listings only.
- 'Verified events only' - this relates to everything in the 'Settled #' column onward. Items will only appear here if they've been verified.
- Contract events - currently all contract stats do not include 'fallen' events meaning the data may change if the report is re-generated at a later date.
- Anywhere you see the column 'S/C' - this is the column immediately previous to the current column divided by the number of sales consultants (see below).
Specific notes
- Consultants - the number of users within the specified accounts that have been marked as 'Sales Consultants' in the reporting category section of the user settings screen. Any users deleted from today onward are counted as available consultants in the appropriate period (we did not previously track deleted users).
- The next section of columns - new listings by authority type - shows all new listings PUBLISHED in the period with each column representing the authority type. Only those types that have been used by the office in the period will appear.
- Stock Avail - listings available in the period based on:
- The listing must be published and be active (i.e. not archived) in the period.
- The Archive Date is currently determined based on the date the user actually archived the listing (to fall in line with the publication date above), however we could instead potentially do this based on the "sale date" the user enters when converting the listing to sold (by default the settlement date i think).
- Written #: number of accepted contracts in the period (excluding any that have fallen).
- Settled #: number of contracts with a settlement date confirmed in the period (excluding any that have fallen).
- Settled $: as above but using the sale price recorded in the contract rather than a count.
- Settled $ (Avg): settled $/Settled #.
- Gross Comm: 100% comm net gst.
- Gross Comm (Avg): 100% comm net gst./Settled #.
- Avg Comm S/C: Gross Comm (Avg)/Sales Consultant.
High Level Sales KPI (Cross Period)
This report is very similar to the High Level Sales KPI report except that it allows you to compare 4 periods at a time.
For more details on the included statistics, see the High Level Sales KPI overview above.