Found in the right-hand pane on all records, Tags let you create groups of records. For example, you could use a tag on a Contact to indicate that they are a buyer, so you can filter for them later on.
While each user has the ability to create ad hoc Tags on records, this can get messy if users are using different spelling, or if they have a large number of Tags that they've created.
For the purpose of creating Tags that all users in your account can use, we recommend creating 'System Tags' which are set up by Super Admin users. For more info, see - System Tags: Adding System Tags to Rex from the Admin Menu
Adding Tags
The process for adding tags is the same on all records - to do this:
- From the record you wish to add a tag to, hover over Tags in the right-hand pane
- Click the Red Pen button
- You have two ways of selecting the Tag:
- Click the Dropdown button to the right of the text field and select a pre-existing System Tag, or
- Type out the Tag - if it exists, select it. If it doesn't exist, press the 'Return' key on your keyboard to create it
- If you want to remove a Tag, just click the x that appears next to it
- Once you've entered all Tags you wish to use, click Save Tags
When to use Tags
Tags allow a user to add any interesting snippets of information to a record that they think might come in handy. They can then be searched for through any list view (Contacts, Properties, Listings) to pull a list of all records containing that particular Tag.
For example, a specific Tag added to a Contact record may be beneficial for a future sale.
Imagine your potential buyer was a Tennis fanatic - tagging them as such would prove valuable if you ever listed a Property with a Tennis court. The value of your data is intrinsically linked to the volume that you store – tags allow you to build up a much richer record of your clients.
In real estate, relationships are everything.