Once you've set up your portals to send to your Lead Dropbox Email address, and you have the portals saved to the Trusted Email list, you'll start to see your enquires coming in to Rex. Three things will happen:
- You'll receive a notification email to your login email address - this can be turned off/on by following the steps in this article: Personal Profile: Notifications.
- In the top right-hand corner, you'll notice a number in the Inbox Icon next to your User Profile Icon - the number relates to how many unprocessed leads you have.
- The leads will populate in the specific listings 'Stream' and 'Leads' tab
Viewing Options
Viewing leads from the Homepage
To view the leads in more details you can click the Leads Speech Bubble - doing so will reveal different options, depending on your role and privileges:
- My Leads (All Users) - This is where you can view all leads that are assigned to you.
- Team Leads - (All Users) - If you are part of a Permission Group, you will see the other users in your groups contacts. This is used by Teams that share records, or by users who have a PA.
- Unassigned Leads (Admin and Open Office Users) - This is where leads that have been sent to the generic office leads address go.
- All leads (All Users) - This will show you all Leads that you have Privileges to view.
After choosing one of the above options, you'll then be presented with an overview of unprocessed leads. Once they have been processed, they'll be removed from this view - but you can use the filter to reveal them again. Processing Leads will be covered in the next section: Leads: How to Process Leads.
Navigation bar
Along the top we have the navigation bar.
- Plus Button - Found over in the top left-hand, this is used to Add a manual lead. For example, if a buyer calls and enquires with an admin member, they would enter the details and assign to an agent to process later.
Number of Leads - Over on the right-hand side, you'll see a number of listings in the view - when you click on this, you can change:
- The Number of listings per page
- Jump to a specific page
- Previous/Next Page Buttons - Next to the number of leads, you can click these buttons to jump between the pages of leads
- Saved Filters - Where it says Leads below the plus button, you can click on this to bring up your saved Leads Filters. For more info on Saved Filters, see System Concepts: Saved filters
- Filter Leads Button - The blue filter button is where you can change how your leads are filtered. For more info on Filters, see: System Concepts: List Filters
- Save As - Once you have set a filter you will see the Save as button, which is used to save your filter preferences. You can then access your saved filters by clicking the drop down arrow next to "All Leads"
Leads List
Below the navigation, you'll see a list of your leads. Before opening the lead to view the info in more detail and processing, you'll see some basic info:
- Type - the Lead type (Enquiry on a Listing, General enquiries etc). Include your own values here - see Custom Values: Adding Custom System Values.
- Contact - The email address of the Portal that sent the Lead into Rex, followed by the Enquirer’s contact details.
- Listing/Property - Indicates the Property or Listing the enquiry is linked to
- Assignee - Shows which Rex user the enquiry is assigned to
- Received - Shows the time elapsed in days since the enquiry was received into Rex.
- Status - Shows the progress of processing the Lead (New, In Progress, Completed etc)
- Last Action - Shows the latest action taken in processing the Lead
For additional options, you can hover over the lead, then click on the dropdown button. This will reveal the following options:
- Process Lead - Begin Processing the lead
- Mark As Complete - Mark the lead process as complete
- Archive - Remove the lead from the Unprocessed List Archive the lead from your leads inbox.
Viewing Leads from a Listing
You can also view leads directly from your listing. Simply navigate to the listing record and click into the leads tab.
From here you can click the hyperlinks of 'total leads received', 'new / in progress' or 'completed' to refine the list.