Rex has dedicated functionality that allows you to request trust funds directly to your trust account. It can be used to request money for VPA or custom items, (sales deposits, etc).
As VPA is usually prepaid to your trust account, you should create a Trust Funds Request rather than an Invoice. This makes more sense as invoicing includes a GST component, which is not relevant when you're just requesting funds.
Creating a Fund Request for VPA items
To do this, you'll need to have items enter into the VPA tab - for more info on doing this, see Listings Financials & VPA: Adding Advertising & Packs
- Go to your Listing
- Go into Financial Mode by clicking on the '$' symbol above the address
- Go to the Trust tab
- Click Funds Requests > Request VPA Funds
- Tick/untick the line items you want or don't want on the funds request
- Click Add to Request
- Choose the Trust Account (if you have multiple accounts)
- Choose the Recipient Type - there is an option for agents if needed
- Enter the person you're requesting the funds from in the Recipient field
- Update any other fields
- Click Save
(For info on printing the request, see the bottom section).
Creating a Fund Request for Other Items
This is much the same as above, but you can use to request funds for items you haven't added to VPA.
- Click Funds Requests > Request other Funds
- Choose the Trust Account (if you have multiple accounts)
- Choose the Recipient Type - there is an option for agents if needed
- Enter the person you're requesting the funds from in the 'Recipient' field
- At the bottom, click Click to Add an Item
- Type in the name of the item you're requesting for and an amount
- If you wish to add more, click Add an Item and repeat
- Once done, click Save
For info on printing the request, see here.
Here is a video to take you through the steps: