When creating Match Profiles, you can use Property Tags as part of the criteria.
For example, my Contact wants to look at Properties which would be suitable for a subdivision. I would create a Tag called 'Subdivision' and apply that to any Listing I have which would be suitable for subdivision.
Another example would be to come up with tags for certain areas, so rather than adding in 5 different suburbs, you could just use a tag like 'Western Suburbs'.
We recommend using System Tags, rather than ones that users add on the fly - this way they're the same across all users. Get together as a team, and come up with Tags you would all use. For info on adding System tags, get your Admin user to check out System Tags: Adding System Tags to Rex from the Admin Menu.
Adding Tags to the Extra Match Criteria
- Make sure you have the Tag entered on your Listings if it is relevant - see Rex Concepts: Tags
- Create a new Match Profile if you don't already have one - see Match Profiles: Add a Match Profile Campaign
- At the bottom, click the Plus button next to Add more Match Criteria
- Choose either:
- Property Tags (Match All) - if you use this, the Match Profile must match all Tags you enter here for the Contact to be sent an Automatic Update
- Property Tags (Match At Least One) - this option means that the Match Profile needs to match at least one of the Tags you enter here
- In the Condition field, either:
- Type out your Tag and choose it from the dropdown menu
- Click in System Tag button over to the right and choose your Tag
- Once you've entered all the Tags you want to include, click Done
- Once you've finished updating the criteria, click Save
- Click Save