If you want to customise a users privileges - whether from scratch or modifying a role that has been assigned - you can do so with Advanced Privileges.
Using Advanced Privileges, you can assign multiple sets to a user, or turn off/on specific privileges. You'd use the 'Advanced Privileges Mode' in Rex when the default roles don't match your office's unique way of doing business. For example, you might find you want to give a user specific privileges that don't fall into a standard categorisation of a default role.
Using advanced privileges
If you're not already viewing the users profile, go to Admin > Users & Security and open the profile of the user you wish to modify:
- Choose the user you wish to modify
- Click the Privileges tab
- At the bottom, click Switch to advanced privileges mode
Adding Privilege Sets
To add Privilege sets, you need to:
- Click the red + button
- Tick the box next to the Privilege set you want to include - there will be a brief blurb about what that set will do. If you would like to create your own privilege sets, see: Creating Privilege Sets
- Click Add Selected Sets
- If you need to remove any, click the X next to the set
- Once complete, click Save Changes
Adding Indivual Privileges
To fully customise the a users privileges you can turn them off/on under All Privileges.
- Hover over the section you wish to modify
- Click on either:
- Select All - click this option to turn on all privileges in that section
- Unselect All - click this to turn off all privileges in that section
- Drop down button - this will reveal all privileges in that section. Tick the option you wish to turn off/on
- Once completed, click Save Changes
Switch back to Basics Roles
You can switch back to the basic roles from the Advanced Privileges Mode screen by clicking switch to basic roles (a blue link) and then clicking Continue. When you switch back to basic roles all of the privilege settings for the user will be cleared. Select a role, click changerole, you will now be using the basic privileges mode again.