Sending a Mail Merge about an offer
In some cases, you may need to send an email or letter with regards to a specific offer.
If you have set up a template under the Contract Module including offer related Merge Tags, you will need to send this email from the individual offer.
To send an email from an offer:
- Go to the relevant Listing
- Click on the Legal tab
- Hover over the Offer
- Click the drop down arrow
- Select Mail Merge
You can then choose to send either a Letter or an Email.
I can’t find my template when sending a Mail Merge
Some of the templates will not be visible if you don't choose a property or listing to send to. This will happen if any of the templates refer to property/listing detail merge tags.
If you can't see your template, close the template selector and make sure you have a property or listing selected.
How do I set up calendar confirmations?
Calendar Confirmations are set up against particular appointment types. This allows you to create custom confirmations for particular appointments, e.g. For Viewings.
If a confirmation message has been set up against the appointment type, Rex will prompt you to send the message after saving your appointment.
Confirmation Messages can be set up in the Advanced Settings section of Rex. Please see - Advanced Settings: Calendars and Appointments