Sometimes, you might not want buyers to see the entire address of a listing that you're advertising on the portals or other marketing collateral.
Rex allows you to use the Marketing Overrides function to hide your address with some default formatting, but you can also create your own Address Display Overrides.
This will allow you to amend the address formatting for your listings, and you can choose where you'd like this formatting to show (Portals, Brochures, E-Marketing or Website).
You will also have the ability to do this globally across all listings, or at a single listing level.
To set up Global Address Display Overrides, all you need to do is:
- Go to Settings > Portals & Publication Defaults
- Select Marketing Overrides on the left-hand side
- Under Manage Listing Addresses, select the channels you'd like to display the formatting on
- Select the Use Custom Address Format checkbox
- Click Add Merge Tag, and choose the tag(s) you would like to use to format your address override
You can also apply these Address Display Overrides at a listing level. The default override that has been set up as per the above steps will be the default, but you can go ahead and amend this.
This might work for when you want to hide a little more info regarding a listing than what has been set up in the above override. You might also want to just want to use your own override on-the-fly.
From a Listing Record;
- Click on Marketing Overrides on the right-hand side
- Under Hide Address, select the channels you wish to override the address formatting
- Click the Custom Address checkbox
- Type in what you'd like the address to say
- Click Save