Deleting Custom tabs in Rex is done from the Admin menu. When deleting a Custom Tab, or field within a Tab, the data set within that Tab or field will be deleted in all instances that the Tab is used in Rex.
If deleting an entire Custom Tab, this means that all the data stored under the saved Custom Tab - in all the contacts/ properties/ listings/ projects it was used - will also be deleted. Always ensure that you have copied any important data from all the Custom fields where data has been entered in Rex, before deleting the Tab.
Delete a Custom Tab by:
- From the left side menu go to Settings > Under Customisations, go to Custom Fields & Tabs
- Go to the record type the Tab is being used in; Contact, Property, Listing, Project or Project stage Tabs
- Hover over the Tab and click the down arrow
- Click Remove Tab
- Rex will advise that this action will delete information saved under each Tab/field in every instance within Rex. Click Confirm Delete.
- Rex will as you to re-confirm once more. In the new dialogue box, type "DELETE" into the provided field to re-confirm, and click Delete