When needed, you'll have to option to edit certain areas of your Market Lead.
Contact Information
By clicking into the "Contact Information" section, you have to ability to edit the name, email & phone number.
As this doesn't automatically create or attach to a contact record, we have provided the ability to be able to either attach the record to a contact or create a new record by clicking the Attach or Create Contact option.
By clicking this option, a pop-up dialoge will appear. You'll need to enter in the contacts name. If the contact exists, you'll just need to choose the correct contact from the dropdown menu. If the contact doesn't exist, just click on Add New Contact.
Property Address
Very similar to the Contact Information Section, by clicking into the "Property Address" section, you have to ability to edit the address details.
As this doesn't automatically create or attach to a property record, we have provided the ability to be able to either attach the record to an already existing property record or create a new record by clicking the Attach or Create Property option.
By clicking this option, a pop-up dialoge will appear. You'll need to enter in the property address. If the property exists, you'll just need to choose the correct record from the dropdown menu. If the property doesn't exist, just click on Add New Property.
Lead Origin Details
You'll need to add the website / signboard where this lead was first spotted / originated in this section. This can be done just by clicking on the plus symbol next to "Add Details". Follow up entries can be added the same.
Tip: If the origin is from a web listing, just tick "This is a web listing" & add a copy of the link. This way you can always keep easy track of the listing online!