To Track or Update the status of a Referral, follow these steps:
- Open the Listing or Contact record that the Referral is attached to
- Hover over the 'Pending Referrals' section in the right-hand pane > Click 'view referral'
Hover over the appropriate Referral, if there are more than one, and click the dropdown arrow. You'll be presented with four options;
- View Referral Email - opens the email that was sent with the referral
- Update Status - allows you to update the referral to being Successful, Cancelled or Declined
- Cancel Referral - updates the referral to being Cancelled
- View Change Log - shows any updates made to the referral since its creation
When a Referral Status has been updated to Successful, Cancelled or Declined, it'll be removed from the 'Pending Referrals' section, and show in the 'Closed Referrals' section.