When you add a Group App user, they automatically only have access to the Group App - they won't have access to any Rex office accounts.
To add a new user
- From the left-hand menu, go to Users
- Select the blue '+' icon
- Enter the users email address
- Tick whether or not you'd like to invite them
- Select Invite
We understand that a user having no access to all locations in Rex isn't suitable for all, so you have the option to amend their privileges for both the Group App and in Rex Accounts.
To amend privileges for Rex App
Please note: Amending these privileges will only affect their access to Rex accounts.
- Open the user
- Go to Rex Account Privileges
- Under access to Sub Accounts, click the drop-down arrow. Choose from one of the following three options:
- User cannot log in to sub accounts
- User can log in as super admin to all sub accounts
- Specify privileges for office groups
To set specific privileges for the user for specific office groups, select Specify privileges for office groups. This option is really helpful if a specific user only handles certain locations of the Franchise.
Please Note: You will need to have office groups set up prior to being able to set up these privileges.
- One "Specific Privileges for Office Groups" has been selected, you'll have an option to select Assign Office Groups
- Select the office group > assign
- Click the blue '+' icon to assign privilege sets
- Select the privilege set > apply selected sets
You can do this for multiple different office groups on one user - just select Manage Office Groups to add more.
To amend privileges for Group App
Please note: Amending these privileges will only affect their access to Group App.
- Open the user
- Go to Group App Privileges
- Tick the permission you'd like this user to have
- Select Save Changes