The Finance tab in Advanced Settings allows you to edit some of the functionality in Rex. These options can only be accessed by Users with the appropriate privileges - if you have any questions or require further information regarding the functionality, please contact the Rex Support Team.
Invoice Overpayments Allowed
If you enable this feature you will be able to manage an overpayments ledger on Listing records. This will allow you to accept a payment greater than the balance of the invoice you are accepting the payment for.
This payment can then be applied as credits against other invoices or refunded. Please note that holding "overpaid" money in this fashion may be illegal in certain countries. In those countries you may consider utilizing our Trust functionality instead if it is available.
Supplier invoice references in VPA
This feature allows you to specify supplier invoice references against VPA line items in the Listings section.
Once enabled, an extra field will appear against VPA line items which can be updated via the action menu available against each VPA item by users with the required privileges.
Allow Agent Invoices
When enabled, you will be able to select an invoice type when creating invoices in the Listings module. From here, you can choose to apply a Listing invoice against an Agent (i.e. a user) or a Contact (standard behaviour).
When this functionality is enabled, additional parameters will be available on invoice reports to limit them only to Contacts / Agents. This functionality is often utilized by Agencies that charge Agents for overspent or unrecoverable marketing budgets rather than writing those amounts off.
Invoice Numbering
You can set up your own auto-numbering, unique to your agency. You can choose a starting number, which automatically increments every time you create an invoice. You’ve also got the option to add a prefix to your invoice numbers. All of this means that, if you have your own numbering scheme, you can get it consistent in Rex.