You can access the Branding menu by following the below steps:
- Go to Settings > Agency & Branding > Agency Profile
- Click the Branding tab
From the Branding menu, you have the option to edit the below settings:
- Logo - For best results your logo should be uploaded at 1000px by 500px. Keep in mind that only RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour formatting is available for the uploading of your logo.
- Reporting Colour - This colour is reflected in all reports in Rex and should reflect your agencies branding colours. Make sure you choose a bright and / or darker color (make sure you don't use white and / or pale colors).
- Letter Margins - The measurements for letter margins in Rex are in mm. All text fields will need to have a value entered for the margins to work
- Letterhead - You can add in a PDF of your letterhead, this will enable you to print letters to letterhead or to email letters already on letterhead. You can enable letterhead by default by selecting the checkbox.