If you use a Google Apps account and want all of your emails you receive in there to come into the Rex Email Dropbox, there are a few settings you need set to get this working.
- Click 'Hi (your name)' > 'Profile'
- Click 'Email Dropbox'
- Click '+ add a trusted email'
- Add trusted email addresses: mail-noreply@google.com & forwarding-noreply@google.com
- Click 'Save'
- Copy your Email Dropbox Address
- Follow the steps in the following link: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/10957?hl=en
- Send your self a test email
- This should bounce back saying to add the address to dropbox
- Copy the address and add to the Trusted email list in Rex
- Send yourself a new message, this should now appear in Dropbox
Please see the help articles on Dropbox for additional information