A Rex to Rex data transfer moves properties and contacts from one Rex account to another Rex account -- it does NOT duplicate records from one account to another.
That is to say, that once the transfer has taken place, the records will no longer exist in the original Rex account.
Please read through the following important information before requesting a Rex to Rex data transfer:
- Any Rex to Rex transfer will require the authorisation of both account holders.
- All contact and property records which require transfer will require a unique tag. This tag must be added by the transfer requester, as Rex support do not have the necessary insight of your data to tag them for you.
- The tag must be identical for all contacts and properties you wish to transfer.
- Contact records will transfer with all associated tags, notes and reminders/tasks.
- Property records will transfer including any associated listing records, tags, notes and reminders.
- This means that you only need tag the Property records in your account, as the linked listings will transfer across with the property (Sold & Withdrawn listings will all transfer across).
- Related Contacts to a property record will not transfer unless included in the 'tagged' contacts
- Correspondences sent in Rex will not transfer across (emails, letters and SMS)
- The requested transfer date should be 2 or more business days from the date the Rex to Rex Data Transfer is approved
- For any listings that get transferred across -- please ensure realestate.com.au and any other portals are contacted. It's important to complete this before the Rex to Rex transfer happens.
- If you need to publish listings to the new account's realestate.com.au account that you're transferring to please ensure realestate.com.au is contacted to shift the required listings to the appropriate account on their end.
- Failure to contact REA may result in your agency being charged from realestate.com.au
- This is a paid service. Please speak with our Customer Care team about pricing.
If any data is not mentioned in the information above consider it not included in the Rex to Rex transfer.
Warning: Any property with an associated listing containing Trust transactions cannot be transferred between accounts, this is due to legal requirements with trust.
Please Note: If you wish to request a Rex to Rex transfer, please contact us at support@rexsoftware.com.au