Before we can make use of third party property information, we need to ensure that the property is correctly connected to the integration we're requesting data from.
If the property was imported using the Import function and hasn't been disconnected, a link to the remote property data will already exist.
There are three methods of connecting a property to third party data.
- Creating the Property new from the property import function.
- Overwriting an existing Property with the property import function.
- Manually connecting an existing record to third party data.
To manually connect or reconnect an existing record, or if you wish to alter the third party property that your property in Rex points to, you simply need to click the extension icon shown below.
Depending on the status of the connection, either one of two dialogs will appear:
- Auto-connection
- View Connection
Rex will attempt to automatically determine the best available address to link against CoreLogic.
If an appropriate address is found, the auto-connect dialog will display the match for confirmation.
In the instance where a match can't be determined, the [Create Connection] dialog is displayed with a warning.
The warning can be ignored. Simply follow the workflow documented below instead.
Create Connection
The [Create Connection] dialog allows us to search for and link a remote property against this record.
- Begin by entering a property address and allowing Rex to request a list of results from the CoreLogic servers.
The third party record address can always be viewed on the third party integration tab.
When Core Logic sends back a response, a list of matching addresses is displayed.
- Select an appropriate record and the [Connect] button will be enabled.
- Clicking this will link the property to the remote property of the provider.
Viewing a Connection
When a remote property is connected, two things happen:
- The remote property can be viewed on the integration tab.
- The action for the integration at the right bar changes for the context of viewing the connection.
With the remote property connected, we can directly view the record in CoreLogic.
We're also given the option of disconnecting the record.
If you disconnect the record, the connection state goes back to an empty circle where we can either choose to
connect to the same property or a different property entirely.
The next section Interacting with Property Data explains how to make use of the third party data that we've now connected against our record.