How it works
The Match Price entered into your Listing on Rex is simply a figure used as a guide for the online portals to place the Listing on their website. This helps to ensure the Listing will show for someone searching the portal for Properties within a price range that your Listing falls into.
The Match Price must be a single figure only, you can not specify a price range in this field. The portals will take the price you specify and add a range on either side of it to ensure the Listing will show in searches close to the price you've specified. What the exact range is will depend on the particular portal in question, as different portals will use different ranges. In order to understand the exact range being used, we recommend contacting the portals themselves directly for confirmation.
We recommend setting the Match Price at a rough amount that you think your potential buyers will be searching for online. For example;
If you had a Listing that the Vendor hopes to sell for $500,000 - you could set your 'Match As' field to $500,000. The portals would then add a range above and below that price.
The match price will not show anywhere within the Listing online or through any marketing channels at all, unless if specified within the 'Advertise As' field.
Information for New Zealand clients
In Rex, the Match Price actually works like a range. When we send to Trademe and, we round the number and send it in a range.
For example - if the Match As price used is $500,000, the range will be between $450,000 and $550,000.
This works the same way for
The reason why you can't enter a range into Rex is because we built our fields based on the Australian standard - but as explained above, a range will still be created for you and used when sent to the portals.
Just enter the median price you think the Listing is worth, and it will show up in that range on the portals.