You'll notice in all of your Rex records (Properties, Listings and Contacts) there's a universally available 'Stream' tab. The Stream tab shows all activity and historical information relating to the record at hand (emails, mail merges and other correspondence with related Contacts, as well as notes). We're going to cover off on navigating to the Stream tab, loading more results and adding notes from within the Stream tab - as well as quickly attaching these notes to related records.
The Stream will show any historical data relating to the attached record. This includes notes, merges, completed reminders and feedback. These appear in the order they were added.
By default, the Stream tab shows you the five most recent events. If you would like to see older events, simply click Load More at the bottom of the Stream.
Viewing Attached Records and Merges
If the event you're looking at has another record attached or is a merge, you can click the highlighted blue text. If it's another record, you'll have other options including opening the record to view it. If it's a merge, you'll see the merged data.
Adding a Note
At the top of the Stream, you'll see a section to Add a note:
- Click in the field
- Enter your note
- Choose the type
- If applicable, select a Related Contact/Property to attach the note to more than one record (Contact Records must be related; e.g. Property Owner, Tenant, Past Owner, etc)
- Click Add Note
Pinning Notes
Sometimes you might have a note that is important to the record and you don't want to lose it in the Stream. In this case, you would Pin the note to the top. To do this:
- Hover over your note
- Click on the drop down button that appears in the right-hand corner
- Choose Pin to Top