Uh oh. You've forgotten your password. We recommend contacting a locksmith immediately. Alternatively, you could also follow these simple instructions.
- Go to the Login screen www.rexsoftware.com/login
- Enter in your email address
- Choose use password instead
- Click Forgotten your Password?
We'll send you an email with a link to change your password. If you do not receive an email with a link to reset your password within 15 minutes and you have checked your spam/junk folders please contact the Rex support team.
Note: If you log in using an alternate way other than your password, you will need to reset your password using the relevant portal.
If you can remember your password, but you would like to reset it, use our help content on resetting your password.
Important Note: Sometimes your web browser will save your old password. It's important that, after resetting your password via the above steps, you type the password in again manually the first time. Your web browser will then ask if you wish to update the saved password.