Rex CRM allows Tenancy Applications to be deleted. However once an Application has been communicated to the landlord / listing owner, it cannot be deleted. It can only be marked as ‘Unsuccessful’ from the Applications tab.
To delete an Application:
- Go to the Listing
- Open the 'Applications' tab
- Hover over the Application you wish to mark as unsuccessful
- Click the action 'arrow'
- Click ‘Delete’ to from the dropdown to delete the application
- Click ‘Delete’ on the confirmation dialog to confirm your intent
Note: You cannot undo the deletion of an application.
To mark an Application as unsuccessful:
- Go to the Listing
- Open the Applications tab
- Hover over the Application you wish to mark as unsuccessful
- Click the action 'arrow'
- Click ‘Update Status’ to from the dropdown
- Click ‘Mark as Unsuccessful’ on the dialog
- Enter the date the Application was unsuccessful
- Click ‘Save’
To undo an Application’s unsuccessful status, follow the above steps above and to mark the application as ‘available’.