For a more flexible, buyer-friendly, and COVID-safe alternative, have a go at using the QR Code option for your open homes.
Within your brochure templates, there is already a Rex brochure called 'Open Home QR Code' that includes the open home QR Code. When scanned, it will open the check-in form for the relevant listing.
There is only one QR code required per listing - Rex will check your attendees into the appropriate OFI based on the event times added against the Listing. You can start checking in people an hour before your open home and an hour after.
You also have the option to create your own brochure with a custom design and include the open home QR code. See 'here' on how to create you own brochure.
After checking in to the open home, attendees can view the listing's eBrochure and will be given the option in to create a match profile.
NOTE: The link created by the QR Code will only be active throughout the duration of an OFI event that's been added against the Listing in Rex. If the link is scanned outside of scheduled OFI times, it's expected that it won't work.
NOTE: For contacts to be recorded or created in Rex, the Agent assigned to the Open Home event through Rex requires a minimum of 'Create Contact' privileges assigned to their user. Consequences of this will result in the Client unable to check-in to the Open Home event via the QR Code. Please contact the Rex Customer Care team if you need further information on this.